
Friday, July 20, 2012

A Tragedy Movie in Real Life

It happened again! This time the shooting occurred at a movie theater.

A 24-year-old man identified by the police as James Holmes opened fire in a movie theater auditorium in Aurora, Colorado early this morning leaving a dozen dead and many more injured, as the crowd waited for the premiere of the PG-13-rated movie, "The Dark Knight Rises" opening in theaters today.

As cold as it seems to describe it, we learned that the events were the ones of a movie. It was like a live movie in a movie theater. Police described the events as a man entering the auditorium as if he was going to a "battle field"--wearing a "ballistics helmet, bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof leggings, gas mask and gloves."

Where was the security of this movie theater? Police said the man was carrying four weapons even a rifle and was all dressed up to do something bad. It's hard to imagine that nobody noticed anything weird with him, a person who had obviously all intentions to kill people. How can that be explained to the family members of the victims?

When we hear about these types of news, we can't stop wondering, what leads people to do such things? I mean if we think about other related incidents involving shootings, it's all about young people who are in college or were in college and that are obviously mentally sick. I mean they gotta be, otherwise it is not possible to even imagine people can do this.

The most recent incident happened here in the Bay Area, when a gunman killed several students and left others wounded at Oikos University in Oakland early this year. And what about the rampage shooting in Tucson, Arizona in the beginning of 2011? Here a 22-year-old man opened fire to a small crowd outside a supermarket, shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head and killing others. And these massacres are just to mention a few.

Of course, it is hard to track down people facing mental issues all around who are trying to kill other people in unexpected places especially when they seem to be "normal," but the police need definitely to step up and do much more about it. We as society cannot continue waiting for the next attack to happen, especially when they are becoming more and more frequent. Many believe that the first step is to get rid of the handguns particularly because in most of these cases, the shooters seemed to have prepared themselves in advance gathering their weapons to commit their massacres.

All we can do from our part is to be aware of our surroundings and try to protect ourselves and loved ones at all times.

Unfortunately for some people the screening day of "The Dark Knight Rises" won't be remembered as a great premiere day, but as the day in which Holmes, the alleged shooting suspect, took the lives of many who just wanted to be the first ones to enjoy a good movie.