I attended to one my best friend’s bridal shower on Sunday Dec. 6. I’ve have never gone to any bridal shower before and the version of my friend Leslie was nothing like what I watch on TV--you know the ones at a nightclub with strippers, etc.
Leslie and I know each other since we were in high school, since 2003 and I still can’t believe she’s getting married. Who would've thought that six years later I would be writing about her bridal shower? She just turned 23. She’s from Mexico and so is her fiancé. Most of her family lives here in San Francisco and most of them were all at the shower.
When I got to the party I found so many guests, many of whom are friends of her from church (Catholic) and most of her family which is big. There were some men, her fiancé, of course.
Eventually they started doing some games. The first one was passing around 15 little bags of food ingredients--pepper, seasoning, ground cinnamon, and so on. We had to guess each of them without smelling them and whoever got most of them correct would win a gift. I didn’t win. The second game had to do with fixing scrambled words (they were related to the word wedding). I didn’t win here anything either. However, I actually won a game they did in which all of us women whether single or married would make a circle and pass around a bridal veil while dancing at the same time. When the music stop whoever got the veil in their heads will be out of the game. I won because the music never stopped on me. I won a calendar. According to them that means one would get married for sure. I don't know if I would get married someday, but I don't have any plans of that for the moment.
After half an hour the eating time arrived. They had tons of food. I was really hungry so I ate a lot. And meanwhile I was eating, I was chatting with the couple about the wedding day and if they have everything ready. Leslie said most of things are ready. She’s just waiting to finish some details of her dress, which I have not seen because she doesn’t want anybody to see it until the actual day of the wedding.
Then, the moment that I liked the most came. They did an activity they called a “spiritual dynamic.” Here the couple sat in the middle of the room and some of the adult couples would give them a gift, something that represented a symbol of how to deal with their lives as husband and wife. They also read to them a little dedication and the best wishes for their lives together. The most important moment was when her sister and her mother gave them their gifts. Her sister gave them a bible and as she was talking she started crying and so was Leslie. I cried too, almost everyone in the room did. When her mom gave them a framed pictured of Virgin Mary it was a very sentimental moment as well.
After more food and more fun, they opened the presents. Most of the presents were for Leslie--you know things like interior clothes.
I really had a great time and I am really glad for my friend Leslie. She’s getting married on Dec.19 and I hope the best of luck for her and her future husband. God bless them!
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